Going away and need someone to take care of your Little Buddy? Look no further!
Let Little Buddies take any concerns away that your furry friend may not be looked after whilst you are away. Your pet can have its own little holiday at our home (Little Buddies HQ). Here they will be fed and watered by the schedule you provide us, all needs taken care of and (animal dependant) they will be taken out there hutches/cages everyday for a few hours to get some exercise in one of our rabbit runs fully supervised.
They can be accommodated inside or outside depending on your preference
Good News!! We will also send photos and videos to you whilst your away so missing your loved one wont be so bad.
Little Buddies Small Pet Hotel
Guinea Pigs
No need for a hutch, we have them here! (However if you prefer them to be in there own hutch that’s fine as long you provide this on check in and take away on check out!) All we will need from you is :
Any medication
No need for a hutch, we have them here! (However if you prefer them to be in there own hutch that’s fine as long you provide this on check in and take away on check out!) All we will need from you is :
Any medication
We love having your little friends come and stay with us at Little Buddies HQ. If you want your little freind to stay with us we would need the following:
Any medication
We are also happy to accommodate your birds (Please note for the safety of your pet they will not be out of the cage for the duration of there stay at Little Buddies HQ)
What we would need from you is :
Any medication
If you would like us to care for your pet please get in touch
If your species of pet is not listed above dont worry get in touch with us and we will see if it something we can do.